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Dare to Deal – Part 1: The Networking Lie They Don’t Teach You in Law School

I get told all the time how “good at networking” I am. Big fundraising rounds, partnerships that seem to come out of nowhere…people assume I’m some schmoozing pro, working the room at every startup cocktail hour. Thing is, I hate that stuff. Small talk makes me want to crawl out of my skin. So what’s my secret?

It’s not about who you like, it’s about finding the deal. That’s the skill they don’t teach you in law school, and the reason I could close crazy complex financial deals early in my career. Founders need this even more than lawyers – anyone can hustle, but are you structuring opportunities where everyone wins?

The Law School Advantage (That’s Not What You Think)

Those years poring over contracts weren’t just about the fine print. It was training my brain to spot the hidden leverage points in any situation. Here’s what that means:

  • The Zero-Sum Game Myth: Most founders approach deals thinking, “How do I squeeze the most out of the other side?”. That’s how you get endless back and forth, or worse, everyone walks away.
  • Interests vs. Positions: People state what they WANT (“I need X% equity”), but their underlying interest is WHY they want it. Uncover that, and you have room to maneuver.
  • The “Ugly Deal” That’s Actually Beautiful: Sometimes you take a short-term hit to unlock a much bigger long-term gain. Most founders are too impatient to see those possibilities.

Case Study: The VC Fund That Didn’t Want My Money

Early on, I helped one venture that was approached by a prestigious VC fund. Ego boost, right? Until I dug in. Their terms were terrible, and they admitted their focus was shifting away from venture’s sector. But here’s what I saw:

  • They NEEDED a Win: The fund was underperforming. A splashy investment, even a small one, would help them with THEIR fundraising.
  • My Company Wasn’t the Point: I didn’t care about their terms, I cared about their rolodex of potential partners for later rounds.
  • The Counterintuitive Offer: I proposed a tiny investment with founder-friendly terms, BUT structured so they got a massive PR boost out of announcing the deal.

Outcome? They got to brag, the venture got introductions that led to millions in funding down the line. THAT’s interest alignment.

Forget networking. Become a master of deal-making, and the right people will find YOU.

Trai s.

Next Time in “Dare to Deal”: Why “playing fair” can screw you over, and how to negotiate without being a jerk.

Trai Sasatavadhana

Hi! I am a venture builder/corporate venture capitalist. I find and fuel the startups that will change the world.

@Trai on Instagram
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